To the Point

honest thoughts about life, people, God, and doing what's right–>

abortion is a thumbs down July 28, 2009

Filed under: Ethics — Veronique @ 8:40 am
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This is an essay I did for my AP English Language class (hence the way too formal writing). I used pics in the assignment but because of copyright and jazz I haven’t included them here. The websites I used as a source are at the end.

Abortion. There are so many opinions and positions on this issue that it is almost overwhelming. Some people have no problem with abortion itself, but claim that the effect on mental health of the mothers is too detrimental, and others have no problem with the methods, effects, or consequences of abortion at all.
But I have to question how any human being with a conscience can have nothing against abortion. I understand that it is convenient, it is an easy solution to the problem of an unwanted pregnancy, and for some women it can make the difference between life and death. Only in the last instance would I let it slide; other situations, however, are no excuse for the murder of a helpless human being.
People say that abortion is not murder, because the fetus does not become truly human until the actual birth. It does not seem to matter to them that the fetus will become human, and that is the only thing it can become. Who has ever seen a human fetus grow into something other than a human? If the fetus isn’t human, then what is it, exactly? This is no excuse for murder. And, especially in the case of partial birth abortion, I doubt that anyone with a conscience could look at these children and say that they are not human.

I have a friend, aged eighteen, who found out a few years ago that her mother had had an earlier pregnancy, and had an abortion. She was in tears, saying that she could have had a brother or a sister. “I wonder what they would have been like,” she said. “I can’t believe mom killed them.” Not only this, but it was incredibly difficult for her to look her mother, the woman who had raised her and loved her, when my friend knew that she’d killed. It was a huge setback to their relationship.
Aside from abortion being nothing more than sanctioned murder, the effect on the mother is nearly always negative. Women who have had abortions struggle with feelings of guilt, depression, even regret, sometimes within hours of having the abortion. I browsed some neutral websites on abortion  that allow women to tell their stories, and I found a few that were written one or two hours after the abortion. All of them said that they regretted it, that they couldn’t believe what they’d done.

There is an alternative to abortion. All women, but especially teens, women who are pregnant because of a rape, and other women who simply cannot afford to take care of the child have an option that is so much better than abortion. There are hundreds and thousands of women who cannot have children and who would give anything to be pregnant, and they usually resort to adoption. While the ideal is that a child is raised by his or her natural mother, being adopted is a thousand times more preferable than being murdered.


Stand Up Girl
Pregnancy Help
Abortion Stories


2 Responses to “abortion is a thumbs down”

  1. Karen Says:

    Those sites aren’t ‘neutral’. A quick glance around and you will see that they are very much one sided…very anti-choice.

    Look at for a more nuanced view. At least that way you can say you have read stories from both sides.

  2. africanstardust Says:

    For the purpose of the assignment (which was to write an argument based on my personal belief), I had to use one-sided websites, but I do know that there are many people who have no regrets about abortion. Thanks for the site link, I’ll definitely take a look at it:)

    You’re correct that they aren’t entirely neutral, but not all of them are abundantly anti-choice either.

    Thanks for the comment!

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